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Cosmetic Dentistry in Fonthill

At Peace Park Dental, we can offer you a wide array of great cosmetic dentistry operations and services. These include veneers, full mouth restorations, teeth whitening etc. All of this will help both you and your family achieve a beautiful, shiny and healthy smile.

Teeth often get damaged and aesthetically less pleasing over time. Peace Park Dental is here for you – we`ll help you achieve that amazing smile that you have been dreaming of. We employ the best team possible that will adjust their work to your needs and provide you with an amazing service after which you`ll have that stunning smile.

Dental Implants

Dental implants hold the bridge or an artificial tooth safe and secure in your mouth. If you have any gaps or anything bothering you with your smile, this is an excellent solution for you.

Full Mouth Restoration

In this process, there are a lot of procedures used to completely fix your teeth. You may need this in case you have severely damaged teeth, you have lost your teeth in a trauma, you need bite adjustments or your teeth have been worn down or have been under severe impact of acid.


Veneers are thin porcelain pieces that go over your teeth. Their colour is set to match your own teeth. You might need this if your teeth have been chipped or discoloured, worn or stained. This is sometimes a better option than whitening.

Teeth Whitening

If your teeth have gotten a bit discolored over time, you might not be so confident with your smile. This is what teeth whitening is here for. This procedure can restore your smile and help you believe in yourself again.

If you need the cosmetic dental work, you should contact us right away – our treatment options will give you back your healthy teeth. Call us today and our wonderful team can help you choose the best option for you!
